Our story to design a life on our own terms wasn’t due to luck but rather because this was something we truly prioritized in our lives. There are also multiple ways to achieve your ideal lifestyle and no two stories are the same.
In late 2019 we started to look for other couples and individuals that have become nomadic like us to understand their origin story and travel lifestyle.
This page group together all of interviews we’ve done to date along with roundup article that provide takeaways like what all of these interviews have in common, what sets them apart, what are the top advice and resources from our interviewees to help you start designing your own life and more.
Call to action – We are looking for people with a unique story to feature on our blog. If you would like to be considered as part of our internet series, please reach out to us!
Introduction to our interview series
We believe that life should be lived to its fullest potential. By designing a life we love, we have been able to take on full-time travel and make work optional. While the destination and journey is going to be different for everyone, we want to inspire others to start designing a life they can live on their own terms, rather than following the script society has provided us with.
We initially started by extensively sharing our own journey on our blog (what we are doing, how we are doing it, and why we decided to make such a radical change) but this wasn’t enough since not everyone could identify themselves our journey or our destination.
So, back in 2019, we went on a quest to look for other like-minded individuals/couples to showcase other stories that revolve around life design. By sharing our guest’s unique story we are curating a collection of various lifestyles (the entire list of interviews is available below) to show that everyone can really design their best life.
Our goal with these interviews is to show that ordinary people manage to make the seemingly impossible, possible and that it had little to do with their level of education, how much money they started with, their social status, their relationship status, the country they grew up in, <add your favorite stereotype here>.
Season 2 (June 2020-Present)
We are still releasing new interview of this season, so make sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you get notified when new interviews are released. Here are the interviews we’ve released so far
#026 – From Cargo Pilot To Financial Independence – Rising Above Parents’ Terminal Cancer Challenges
Meet Pete (aka CaptainFI), a 32-year-old living in Australia who switched from a stressful career in the aviation industry to embrace Financial Independence and reap the benefits from it, after realizing that life can be much shorter than we thought and that it should never be regretted.

#025 – From commodities trader to full time sailing around the world – Leaving the American dream to live their own dream as a family of 4!
Meet Pat Schutle, who started traveling full-time with his wife at 29 (20 yours ago) and how they have been sailing the world as a family!

#024 – Going from normal to nomad as a late onset Type 1 diabetic – From misconceptions and comfort zones to experimentation and adventure!
Meet Jason Robinson, a 44 years old who did not experience travel until his 30s. And is now on the road while being Diabetic.

#023 – From overcoming fears to taking control of his life – How 4 years of solo world travel and volunteering can change everything!
Meet Travis King , a 37 years old who spent the first 10 years of his career working with youth as a camp director and decided to take his life in his own hand after traveling solo & volunteering all over the world for 4 years. A few years later he is now officially unemployed (by choice), living in Puerto Escondido, Mexico.
#022 – From normal life in Florida to full-time world travelers in about 8 months: How to harness the power of working remotely and start traveling the world
Meet Amy and Ian, a couple who became full time world travelers in 8 months and harnessed the power of working remotely to live their best life yet!

#021 – Finding the courage to get off autopilot: how to find your ideal lifestyle by focusing on your goals and values
Meet Amanda & Ryan, a couple in their 30s that have been traveling together since 2011 and have made Mexico their home.
#020 – How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! Choose Work You Love and FIRE by 40+
Meet Tara & Squash, a couple who live in the USA. Tara has been a financial independence/retire early (FIRE) adherent since 2015. Squash joined her in its pursuit after they were engaged to be married. While she is a social worker by profession, she currently is employed in higher education administration. Squash is employed as a programmer analyst in a research institute.

#019 – From front-loading frugality & living on 24K a year for 7 years to living on 75-100K as an early retiree with a family of 4 without regrets
Meet Jeremy, Jeremy, Winnie, Julian, & Jaiden the family at GoCurryCracker.com. Jeremy quit working about 8 years ago to travel the world and have kids. Julian just turned 5 and has been to 42 countries. Jaiden was born in early August 2020.
#018 – Prioritizing Purpose and Family Abroad – A Humanitarian Path to Financial Independence with a Worldschooling Future
Meet Ayie & Joe, a Thailand-based, mixed nationality family has decided to raise their children outside of their own cultures. For the last two decades, Joe has had a job in what he considers the best, most fulfilling field in the world: international humanitarian assistance. This has led to an extremely nomadic lifestyle. Ayie grew up in Mindanao, Philippines. She is a nurse by training, a professional photographer specializing in lifestyle and portrait photography, and a stay at home mom.

#017 – From depressed in Denver to slow-traveling Europe with a pet and a partner
Meet Gigi, a writer and content strategist who has been on the road for over eight years. After fighting with depression she become an outdoorsy foodie, an advocate of slow travel, and a nomad with a dog in tow!
#016 – From corporate careers & raising a family in the USA to empty nesters with flexible jobs ready to take on world travel
Meet Scott & Caroline, a typical dual-income in a High Cost Of Living city – making six-figures but still feeling like they were just getting by and watching every penny. By focusing early on saving, raising a family and saving early got a jump start on their financial independence journey.

#015 – From zero to semi-retirement while in your 20s: The benefits of designing your life early on
Meet Steven & Lauren, a young couple born and raised near Tampa, Florida, who saved and invested anywhere from 50-90% of our middle-class salaries with a goal of reaching financial independence at a young age!
#014 – From getting a dream job overseas to traveling the world with pets: How burnout led to a total life redesign
Meet Stephanie & Gillian, two Canadians that build their career to live their dream lives overseas (in Singapore) before burnout caught up with them. This led them to rethink about the life they wanted, follow a path to early retirement, leave their career and comfortable jobs to travel around the world with their two lovely puddles.

#013 – From stereotypes to self-actualization – How to become a kick-ass woman in challenging situations
Meet Clover, an amazing girl that has been cutting through the stereotypes associated with her ethnicity, gender and relationship status to embark on a transformational journey that led them to find self-actualization.
Season 1 (Nov 2019-May 2020)

#012 – Being Nomadic Through Financial Investments | Experiencing Time Scarcity
Meet FI Guy and FI Girl, a husband and wife in their late 30s who were both IT / Finance managers in fortune 500 companies, They saved more than $2M USD to start traveling the world. In 2019 they left their lucrative jobs and sold their home and just about everything in it to start on their journey.

#011 – Choosing time over money and living a FatFIRE nomadic lifestyle
Meet Brad a 39 years old who grew up in Houston, TX (USA) and “retired” from work to become a full-time traveler with his wife in his mid 30s.
#010 – Semi-retirement at age 33 for better work-life balance
Meet Michelle, a 36 year old solo traveler who semi-retired in 2017 at age 33 and now works roughly half the year, then travels for the rest.

#009 – Living on $7k to $16k a Year, Pursuing Freedom through Nomadic Living & the Power of Being Intentional
Meet Sergio and Shannon, a couple working Tech jobs in the USA. They’re full-time house sitters and digital nomads pursuing FI/RE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) who’ve traveled to 4 continents, 26 countries and over 80 cities since 2016!
#008 – Reprioritizing life after a health wake up call
Meet Ryan and Emily, a couple in their mid-40s who left their home in the US in August 201 to start their full-time travel adventures after realizing that time is our most important ressources and that we we should live our dreams today, not tomorrow.

#007 – Priority Shifts, Remote Year & SlowFI led to the Nomadic Lifestyle
Meet Eric, a 30 years old American from Michigan that embarked on a Remote Year program in 2019 to experience with the digital lifestyle and have since then embrace the concept of Slow FI (Financial Independence) where he has enough savings and skills to start living a life on his own terms.
#006 – Semi-nomadic lifestyle through minimalism and house sitting
Meet Noémie & Fabien. A 31 years old based in Quebec. They called themselves semi-nomadic and have chosen to work less because they want to have time to participate in community life through different social commitments. Their minimalist and semi-nomadic life choices help them live in the present moment.

#005 – 44 cents a day to Millionaire by 31
Meet Kristy & Bryce. This Canadian couple became financially independent by 31 and started with literally nothing. Kristy had a rough childhood growing up in rural China and lived in poverty for many years. Two decades later, she reached a net worth of one million dollars!
#004 – Embracing Nomadic Travel from early retirement at age 50
Meet Marcia and her husband Ray from Canada. They retired from their jobs in 2018 at ages 49 and 51 respectively. Since then they packed their bags and flew to Thailand, to spend the next 10 months traveling throughout Asia. They have explore many countries since then are are still exploring.

#003 – Lifestyle Design: Experiment Perpetual Nomadic Life
Meet Wendy and Xavier. They bid farewell to their “regular” lives in June 2018, and spent one year to live their full-time travel dream. They visited 20 countries on this journey and learned a lot about themselves, the most significant learning was that perpetual nomadic life wasn’t for them.
#002 – Fully Appreciating Life Through Slow Travel
Meet Ali & Alison who grew up in the US and met each other in 2004 in Seattle, Washington. After a wake up call in 2017, they have become a nomadic couple that can now separate themselves from their career-focused lives and the urge to participate in lifestyle inflation. They have taken their curiosity to explore new places and made that into their full-time lifestyle.

#001 – Becoming Nomadic Through Real Estate investment
Meet Emily & James who leveraged geo-arbitrage, an aggressive real estate investment strategy and a positive mindset to become financially free in their 20s.