The Wisdom of ‘Outlive’ by Peter Attia – A Book Review and Summary

Discover the groundbreaking insights of “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity” by Peter Attia. This book review dives into the concept of Medicine 3.0, exploring how it redefines our approach to health. With a focus on exercise, nutrition, sleep, and emotional well-being, Attia’s work guides us towards a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Learn about the Centenarian Decathlon, Nutrition 3.0, and other actionable strategies for extending your healthspan. If you’re interested in longevity and well-being, this review is a must-read.

The Simple Path To Wealth, by JL Colins – A Book Review and Summary

In this blog post, I will be sharing my thoughts on the book “The Simple Path to Wealth” by JL Collins. If you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed with managing your personal finances, or find yourself unsure of the best way to invest your money, then this book is for you. It will help you to understand the simple and straightforward investment strategy for achieving financial independence through saving, investing, and living below one’s means. I will be discussing what the book is about, my main takeaways from it, and the specific action items I implemented in my personal finances after reading it.

Making sleep a top priority – Oura ring review

Sick too often? Weak immune system? Low sex drive? Overweight? Over stressed?  Challenged to keep your weight under control? At risk of diabetes or heart disease? Having issues thinking clearly and performing well at work? Do you know what all of the above have in common? A lack of good and restorative sleep!

In this blog post, I would like to go over why sleep is so important in our life, how we have managed to optimize it and what device we’ve been using to make sure we stay on top of our sleep no matter where we are. If you never focused much on your sleep, you might want to read this blog post and it might be life changing for you. 

The ultimate note-taking solution for nomads: reMarkable 2 Review

The advance of technology over the past decade has made our nomadic lifestyle much more comfortable and manageable. However technology can also bring a lot of distraction and can even impact our sleep. So in early 2020, we decided to use good old paper notebooks to practice journaling and note-taking. After accumulating a few notebooks (weighing ~100g apiece) and spending a decent amount of time setting up our monthly spread to make our journaling efficient, I was wondering if technology could help us!

A Book Review of Limitless by Jim Kwik + My action plan to learn anything faster

Are you having trouble remembering people’s names or learning a new language? Or maybe you wish to be able to read faster to absorb much quicker any new content you consume? Do you think you aren’t capable of improving your learning abilities? Are you having difficulty preparing for an exam or an important meeting? Do you always have to read your notes when giving a presentation to a large audience? If you answer YES to any of these questions, check out the review of the latest book I just read: Limitless from Jim Kwik!

My action plan to boost my longevity: Becoming Super Human, by Dave Asprey – A Book Review

In this blog post, I go over the book Super Human by Dave Asprey. I discuss what the book is about, what is my takeaway from it, and the specific action items I implemented after reading it. Do you ever feel busy but not productive? Are you interested in living a healthy and long life? Do your day-to-day activities greatly add or remove years in your life? Maybe you should then consider reading Super Human!

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown – A Book Review

Do you ever feel busy but not productive? Do you easily say yes simply to please & without really thinking about it? Do you wonder: “Why did I sign up for this?”. Maybe you should then consider reading Essentialism!

In this article, I will be going over the book from Greg McKeown that I read in March 2020. I discuss what the book is about, what is my take away from it, and the specific action items I implemented in 2020 after reading it.